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Motic POL rotary microscope stage (for SMZ-171)
POL rotary microscope stage (for SMZ-171)
$ 67.00
ready for shipping in 3-7 days
Motic Polarizer (for attaching to light emitter) (BA310, BA 410E microscopes)
Polarizer (for attaching to light emitter) (BA310, BA 410E microscopes)
$ 46.90
Product can be shipped as of 15.04.2025
Motic analyser for BA-310
analyser for BA-310
$ 46.90
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Euromex Polarization filter IS.9600, 45 mm for lamp house of iScope
Polarization filter IS.9600, 45 mm for lamp house of iScope
$ 177.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Polarization filter IS.9626, f. mouting u. the head (iScope)
Polarization filter IS.9626, f. mouting u. the head (iScope)
$ 79.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Motic B.209NT polarizing microscopy set (for RedLine200)
B.209NT polarizing microscopy set (for RedLine200)
$ 57.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Motic Analyzer
$ 46.90
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Euromex Gicht DX.9662 polarization kit for microscopy (for Delphi-X)
Gicht DX.9662 polarization kit for microscopy (for Delphi-X)
$ 1,330.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Evident Olympus U-ANT Analysator zum Einlegen in  Leerschieber
Evident Olympus
U-ANT Analysator zum Einlegen in Leerschieber
$ 397.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Evident Olympus U-POT Polarisator für DIC-Schieber U-DICRH
Evident Olympus
U-POT Polarisator für DIC-Schieber U-DICRH
$ 400.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Euromex DX.9660 polarization kit, (Delphi-X)
DX.9660 polarization kit, (Delphi-X)
$ 960.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex BS.9660, Polarisation kit: analyser under head and polariser on lamphouse
BS.9660, Polarisation kit: analyser under head and polariser on lamphouse
$ 121.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Polarization kit, rotary stage, screw-In analyser for microscope, SB.9525 (StereoBlue)
Polarization kit, rotary stage, screw-In analyser for microscope, SB.9525 (StereoBlue)
$ 98.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Evident Olympus U-GAN, slide for gout diagnosis (CX43)
Evident Olympus
U-GAN, slide for gout diagnosis (CX43)
$ 1,520.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Motic Polarisation kit (SMZ-171)
Polarisation kit (SMZ-171)
$ 121.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Evident Olympus U-TAD Adaptors, holder for analyser (U-ANT)
Evident Olympus
U-TAD Adaptors, holder for analyser (U-ANT)
$ 402.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Motic Quartz wedge (BA-310 POL)
Quartz wedge (BA-310 POL)
$ 520.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Euromex Einfaches Polarisationskit, AX.9660
Einfaches Polarisationskit, AX.9660
$ 590.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Euromex BB.9732 microscope polarizing filter Ø32mm (for BioBlue.lab)
BB.9732 microscope polarizing filter Ø32mm (for BioBlue.lab)
$ 35.90
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Polarization kit, push-in analyzer, small, rotatable microscope stage, AE.5155-P (EcoBlue, BioBlue)
Polarization kit, push-in analyzer, small, rotatable microscope stage, AE.5155-P (EcoBlue, BioBlue)
$ 98.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Motic Lambda plate (for inserting into condenser) 1st order, red, 535nm, rotatable (BA410E microscope)
Lambda plate (for inserting into condenser) 1st order, red, 535nm, rotatable (BA410E microscope)
$ 441.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Evident Olympus CX3-KPA, polarizer module insert (CX43)
Evident Olympus
CX3-KPA, polarizer module insert (CX43)
$ 405.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex AE.3190, Polarizer/analyzer set for lamp house and nosepiece (Oxion)
AE.3190, Polarizer/analyzer set for lamp house and nosepiece (Oxion)
$ 365.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Slide-in analyser, BB.9602 (BioBlue)
Slide-in analyser, BB.9602 (BioBlue)
$ 49.90
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Quartz wedge IS.9604-R f. reflected polarization attachment of iScope
Quartz wedge IS.9604-R f. reflected polarization attachment of iScope
$ 297.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Analysator IS.9602 f. reflected polarization attachment (iScope)
Analysator IS.9602 f. reflected polarization attachment (iScope)
$ 296.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Quartz wedge in slider  IS.9604, for transmitted polarization attachment of iScopel f. Durchlicht-Polarisation f. iScope}
Quartz wedge in slider IS.9604, for transmitted polarization attachment of iScopel f. Durchlicht-Polarisation f. iScope}
$ 297.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Analyzer IS.9602-R  f. reflected polarization attachment of iScope
Analyzer IS.9602-R f. reflected polarization attachment of iScope
$ 296.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex AE.3195, Polarizer 360° rotatable for reflected illmination unit (Oxion)
AE.3195, Polarizer 360° rotatable for reflected illmination unit (Oxion)
$ 276.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Microscope polarization kit, rotary stage, built-in polarization filter, screw-in analyzer, SB.9520 (StereoBlue)
Microscope polarization kit, rotary stage, built-in polarization filter, screw-in analyzer, SB.9520 (StereoBlue)
$ 255.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Polarizing filter set, IS.9601, for iScope, simple rotating polarizer, fix polarizer
Polarizing filter set, IS.9601, for iScope, simple rotating polarizer, fix polarizer
$ 253.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Motic Microscope analyzer (AE2000 MET)
Microscope analyzer (AE2000 MET)
$ 184.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Euromex Polarization set for DZ-series
Polarization set for DZ-series
$ 236.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Lamda/4 retardation plate IS.9612-R in slider for reflected polarization attachment of iScope
Lamda/4 retardation plate IS.9612-R in slider for reflected polarization attachment of iScope
$ 226.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Lamda plate first red 530 nm , in slider for transmitted polarization attachment (iScope)
Lamda plate first red 530 nm , in slider for transmitted polarization attachment (iScope)
$ 226.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Kern Filters, Lambda + 1/4 Lambda, OBB-A1316, Slip combination
Filters, Lambda + 1/4 Lambda, OBB-A1316, Slip combination
$ 199.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks