Your telescope needs these three eyepieces!

Which magnifications are recommended and which eyepieces should you buy? The most common questions answered in a compact infographic.
The more magnification, the better? Far from it. You will only get the best out of your telescope by using the right eyepieces.

Recommended eyepieces:

A good telescope is only half the story. You will only get the best out of your instrument with the right eyepieces. The eyepieces supplied in telescope sets are only suitable for your first steps.
The right magnification is just as important as the quality. In order to select the appropriate eyepieces, you need to know your telescope’s focal length and aperture. Using our table, you can directly see which eyepiece focal lengths are suitable for which telescopes.
The good news: with just three correctly selected eyepieces, you’re ready for every observing evening! But should you use 2-inch or maybe 1.25-inch eyepieces? Can the two sizes be combined? And what filters do you need?
This infographic will help answer the question, which eyepieces are the right ones for your telescope.