Product series:

Since its establishment, the National Geographic Society has pursued its goal to "increase and diffuse geographical knowledge". This principle became the society’s motto and defines all National Geographic’s activities.
After more than 120 years, the spirit of the founding fathers is as relevant today as it was back then: the commitment to informing the public about scientific advances, in particular insights that serve to protect our environment.

National Geographic
Telescope AC 70/400 AR-App
$ 119.00

National Geographic
Telescope N 76/350 Solar AZ
$ 98.00

National Geographic
N 114/500 compact Dobsonian telescope
$ 136.00

National Geographic
Telescope N 114/900 AZ
$ 195.00
Our price:
$ 163.00

National Geographic
Globe The Heavens 30 cm
$ 151.00

National Geographic
Floor globe Cross Executive 50cm
$ 1,360.00

National Geographic
Globe The Moon 30cm
$ 151.00

National Geographic
Physical map of the world, large
$ 75.00

National Geographic
World map Antique (185x122)
$ 107.00

National Geographic
Poster Universe
$ 26.90

National Geographic
political Pacific-centred world map
$ 75.00

National Geographic
Antique world map, political, very large format
$ 194.00

National Geographic
Continental map Europe politically largely laminates
$ 37.90

National Geographic
World map Antique (185x122)
$ 64.00

National Geographic
Microscope 40X-640X, includes smartphone adapter
$ 65.00

National Geographic
World map Executive (117x76cm)
$ 29.90

National Geographic
Telescope AC 50/360 AZ
$ 69.00

National Geographic
antique map of Africa
$ 26.90

National Geographic
Globe Vertigo Executive 37cm
$ 650.00

National Geographic
Classical political map of the world, large
$ 75.00

National Geographic
World map (279 x 193 cm)
$ 194.00

National Geographic
Compact Telescope and Microscope Set
$ 98.00

National Geographic
Map Ireland (76 x 91 cm)
$ 26.90

National Geographic
Globe Red Planet 30cm
$ 119.00

National Geographic
World map pazifikzentriert (185 x 122 cm)
$ 107.00

National Geographic
World map Executive (117x76cm)
$ 55.00

National Geographic
$ 19.90

National Geographic
Classical world map, large, laminated
$ 107.00

National Geographic
Poster Moon
$ 32.90

National Geographic
Microscope 40x-1280x incl. smartphone holder
$ 147.00
Our price:
$ 136.00

National Geographic
Classical world map, laminated
$ 55.00

National Geographic
Poster Sky
$ 26.90

National Geographic
Earth at Night - world map
$ 29.90

National Geographic
Antique European map politically, largely laminates
$ 37.90

National Geographic
Binoculars 10x42 TrueView
$ 249.00
Our price:
$ 190.00

National Geographic
World map physisch (116 x 77 cm)
$ 55.00
Weitere Infos zu National Geographic

Since its foundation, the company’s aim is ‘to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge’. This principle became the motto of the society and was decisive for the topics covered by the magazine and all the other activities of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.
After more than 120 years, the spirit of the founding fathers is as current as it was then - the commitment to informing the public about scientific advances, in particular insights concerned with protecting our environment, remains its goal.
Since its inception, the work of the National Geographic Society has had two major cornerstones – using the magazine as a communication tool to stimulate research and publish its results; and promoting research projects - more than 9,000 up to the present day.

On the evening of January 13, 1888, 33 honourable gentlemen gathered at the Washington Cosmos Club. The most important item on the agenda was how to ‘increase and diffuse geographic knowledge’. Two weeks later, the National Geographic Society was founded. None of its founding fathers could have guessed that this would one day become the largest organization committed to science and education in the world.
Those men at the Cosmos Club were geographers, geologists, explorers, teachers, lawyers, meteorologists, cartographers, officers and financiers - all educated, travelled and shaped by the pioneering spirit of their time. They were impatient to learn new things, to spread knowledge and to look ahead. Enthusiasts who all wanted to explore the limits. Among them were the discoverers of the Grand Canyon and the first to climb the Rocky Mountains. They were pioneers who had carried America's flag farther north than any other before, researchers who surveyed the remotest mountains and most inaccessible coasts, described unknown flora and fauna and reported on the lives of peoples in distant countries.

Gardiner Green Hubbard was elected president of the company. He was not an explorer, but rather a lawyer and financier who sponsored the scientific experiments of his son-in-law Alexander Graham Bell (who would later invent the telephone and become the second president of the National Geographic Society). In his inaugural address, Hubbard emphasized that membership was by no means limited to scientists, but that the society was open to anyone. What he advanced back then still remains the goal of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC today - to support promising research projects ‘and to disseminate this knowledge among the people so that we all learn more about the world in which we live’.