Glossary | Telescopes | General | Series | LightBridge Plus

For years, Dobsonian telescopes from the LightBridge range have proven themselves very well.
Thanks to the truss-tube construction, they can be stored in a space-saving way. Nevertheless, the mirror is protected from mechanical influences and dew. This is a huge advantage over truss-tube Dobsonians with an exposed mirror. The upper holder for the secondary mirror and the eyepiece - called the hat - is also very solid, which also has a positive effect on the calibration stability.
The LightBridge Dobsonian offers high-quality optics from Meade, are mechanically very stable, and very attractively priced.
The new Plus version of the LightBridge Dobsonians has an improved rocker box. The rocker box is the wooden lower part onto which the telescope is mounted. It is now even lighter, can be put together without tools and is equipped with an eyepiece tray. The focuser has also been improved and a compatible high-quality 2" eyepiece from the Series 4000 is now included.
Can be dismantled into four parts