The NEQ-5 mount:
This mount is a further development of the EQ-5, in a white design. It provides a solid platform for most large telescopes and is excellent for exploring the night sky. Once you have aligned the parallactic mount on the Pole Star, you can easily sight on an object, position it in the field of view, and track it using the slow motion control knobs provided. Fine adjustment is possible in right ascension and declination. The polar elevation at the observing site can be set using the fine scale provided and adjusted perfectly by using two screws. Both a polar finder and electric motors for both axes plus a control unit can be retrofitted: the NEQ-5 is suitable not only for visual observing, but also for getting started in astrophotography. Long exposure astrophotography is also possible with the optional upgrades available, such as the motor kit or the GoTo kit. With a little practice, you will soon be able to produce successful images of galaxies and nebulae.
Product image similar; delivery without polarscope!