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Posts Tagged 'telescope'

New: Heliostar 76 solar telescope from Skywatcher

March 18 2025, Stefan Taube

The Heliostar-76Hα from Skywatcher is a brand new telescope for observing the Sun in the H-alpha line with an exceptionally narrow bandwidth of just 0.5 angstroms!

Observe the active Sun: Eruptions (flares), filaments, spicules, granulation and of course Sunspots!

You can find more information here in the shop. Get your Heliostar now and treat yourself with your own highly demanded telescope!

Vaonis Hestia: Your companion for solar and lunar eclipses

March 12 2025, Stefan Taube

Use the Hestia Solar Pack smart telescope from Vaonis to photograph an eclipse with your smartphone. Thanks to the Gravity app from Vaonis this is particularly easy.

The Hestia Solar Pack includes a solar filter for safe solar observation. If you don’t have a photo tripod yet, get the Hestia Ultimate Pack.

The lightweight Hestia fits in any travel bag and is an ideal companion for your trip to solar eclipses!

The best thing: Hestia enables many other photographic applications for your smartphone.

Get yours now and safe your Hestia Solar Pack smart telescope in time!

Now available: Celestron Origin Intelligent Home Observatory

January 27 2025, Stefan Taube

After months of development and testing, it is now available from stock: The Origin Intelligent Home Observatory from Celestron.

This smart telescope is not only the largest of its kind, but also represents a relatively open system that can grow over time and offers more options than other models.

Get your Origin here: Celestron Origin Intelligent Home Observatory

New telescopes of the NexStar SLT series from Celestron

July 15 2024, Stefan Taube

Under the name NexStar SLT (Star Locating Telescope), Celestron offers computer-controlled telescopes that allow access to the night sky without any prior knowledge.

Two models with the very popular Schmidt-Cassegrain optics are now available in this series:

Schmidt-Cassegrain optics have a long focal length, which is ideal for observing the moon, planets and planetary nebulae at high magnification. Nevertheless, the tube is very short and easy to transport. The closed tube protects the mirror from dust. SC telescopes are stable in adjustment and show an image without colour errors – this is also ideal for planetary observation.

You can find all models in the NexStar SLT series here in the shop.

Dobsonian telescope with over 30 centimetre mirror from Bresser

April 3 2024, Stefan Taube

Dobsonian telescopes are simple in design and intuitive to use. They are therefore particularly popular with newcomers to astronomy and occasional observers. But experienced amateur astronomers also love this type of telescope, as the simple design allows the use of a large mirror at a fair price.

The traditional Bresser company now offers a Dobsonian telescope with a 305 millimetre mirror diameter in its Messier series: N 305/1525 Messier Hexafoc

This model also shares the special advantages of the Dobsonian telescopes in the Messier series:

  • Newtonian optics with parabolic primary mirror
  • Large altitude wheels and azimuthal needle bearing for movements without jerking
  • Tube with tube clamps: The telescope can be finely balanced. It is even possible to use the optics on a different mount.
  • The supporting box can be assembled in just a few minutes using metal furniture connectors.
  • A suitable filter for observing the sun is already included in the scope of delivery.

The tube of the largest model N 305/1525 Messier Hexafoc is made of fiberglass and is therefore relatively easy to transport.

You can find more information and the current price for this 12-inch telescope here in the shop.

New member of the Celestron NexStar Evolution family

March 25 2024, Stefan Taube

The popular Nexstar Evolution telescopes from Celestron have a new addition: It’s a five inch telescope!

The NexStar Evolution 5 is even more compact and less expensive than the other models in this series. However, it has everything that characterises a NexStar Evolution telescope:

  • High-quality optics in a Schmidt-Cassegrain design. This design is compact, closed and very easy to use. The long focal length is ideal for observing and photographing the moon and planets.
  • The telescope is equipped with motors and computer control (“GoTo”). This means that even beginners can find all attractive celestial objects.
  • The telescope can be controlled with the hand controller or via smartphone and the SkyPortal app from Celestron. To do this, the telescope generates a Wi-Fi signal so that you can connect your smartphone to the telescope.
  • The NexStar-Evolution has an integrated lithium iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4) with a battery life of approx. 10 hours.
  • The telescope can be disassembled into three parts. This makes it easy to transport and fits in any car boot.

You can find the NexStar Evolution 5 and all other models here in the shop.

New entry-level Dobsonian telescope from Omegon

January 28 2024, Benjamin Mirwald

The Omegon-Dobson family has grown. The Advanced X N 152/1200 telescope expands the “Advanced X” series with a high-quality, yet affordable model.

With a mirror diameter of 152 millimeters, it collects enough light to see even distant galaxies. The slim telescope shows its strengths primarily when observing planets and star clusters. The focal length of 1200mm makes it easy to achieve slightly higher magnifications. The included 25 mm eyepiece gives 48x magnification, with additional eyepieces a range of 30x to 240x is usable. We particularly recommend the Premium Flatfield eyepieces as accessories.

Sometimes at high magnifications you can see the flickering of the air, but there are nights with perfect “seeing” – and this telescope is made for them. As a Dobsonian telescope, it consists of two parts and is ready for use in just six steps:

  1. First set up the so-called rocker box (8 kg),
  2. Place the optical tube (9 kg) in the rocker box,
  3. attach springs on sides,
  4. slide in the finder scope,
  5. insert eyepiece.
  6. Don’t forget: remove the lid 😉


This only takes a few minutes. So it is possible to simply peek through a few gaps in the clouds every now and then. The good-natured design is also suitable for use all night long – the telescope can easily handle dew or frost.

A Crayford focuser for 1.25″ eyepieces allows you to precisely focus on the celestial object.

Because it is intuitive to use and really robust, the instrument is highly recommended for children aged 10 and over.

Like its larger siblings in the Advanced X series, the N 152/1200 can also be retrofitted with a digital “sky navigation system”, the Omegon Push+ Go system. The 6×30 finder scope is the classic way to find the objects – in combination with good celestial atlases .

Origin: the Smart Telescope from Celestron

January 25 2024, Stefan Taube

The renowned telescope manufacturer Celestron now also offers a Smart Telescope. This is a telescope with a built-in camera and a user-friendly smartphone app:

Celestron Smart Telescope S 152/335 RASA Origin

Compared to other smart telescopes, Origin has special features that you can expect from one of the most innovative manufacturers:

  • At 152 millimeters in diameter, the optics are larger than those of other telescopes of this type. As a result, the resolution is significantly higher, which has a very positive effect on globular clusters, the Moon and planets for example.
  • The optics consist of the patented RASA design. This technology from Celestron allows a particularly fast focal ratio of f/2.2 – in the same exposure time Origin delivers a significantly brighter image than other automated Smart Telescopes. In addition, the closed optics prevent dust, dirt or moisture from accumulsting on the mirror.
  • Origin is equipped with fans for the optics and electronics, a built-in heater for dew protection and a filter drawer.

As Celestron is a manufacturer by and for astronomers, Origin also allows you to use filters and edit the raw images yourself without using the integrated image editing software.


Origin is supplied with a mount based on the proven NexStar Evolution design. The single-arm mount is very stable, yet compact. It is equipped with an integrated rechargeable battery that powers the mount, the camera and – if desired – even your smartphone.

With Origin, Celestron is revolutionizing electronically assisted Astronomy, also known as EAA. EAA can not be compared to observing through a Dobsonian or to “classic” astrophotography, yet it offers another approach to Astronomy that is particularly interesting for beginners and city dwellers.

With a new particularly innovative product like Origin, it is not always easy to meet the high demand in a timely manner. Therefore our recommendation: Pre-order your Origin NOW here in our shop. We will deliver it as quickly as possible.

New Omegon apochromats with Hoya special glass

March 27 2023, Marcus Schenk

Four new telescopes which turn astronomy into something exceptional. Available in four different apertures of 85mm, 96mm, 106mm and 140mm and fitted with Hoya special glass, the images produced by the new Omegon triplet apochromats are amongst the best in class.

Our new Omegon apochromats offer many advantages. Here is an overview of the top four:

Special glass built into the lens Thanks to large technological advances, Hoya has successfully optimised the production of the FCD100. This optical glass has extremely low dispersion, equivalent to that of the well-known FPL-53 glass. As a result, you get high-contrast images with excellent colour purity, even at high magnifications.

Adjustable mount: Thanks to high mount stability, alignment stays set, even with regular transportation. But you can also be prepared for all eventualities as professional readjustment is not a problem for this mount. Our workshop service provides professional support at all times. Get the best out of your telescope even years down the line.

Large, sturdy drawtube with transmission gearing: The Crayford hybrid technology and rack ensure heavy accessories are securely held whilst settings can be very smoothly and precisely set using the ball-bearing mounted inner tube.

Mounting rails for accessories: One thing is clear, the new apochromats are creations for astrophotographers or fans of fantastic planetary observations. But astronomers who are on a photographic journey, often require more accessories, such as a guiding scope or a guiding camera. Simply and quickly attach your preferred equipment using the pre-installed Vixen-style mounting rails.

The Omegon apochromats are available in four versions:

Pro APO AP 85/510 apochromatic refracting telescope FCD-100 triplet ED

Pro APO AP 96/575 apochromatic refracting telescope FCD-100 triplet ED

Pro APO AP 106/700 apochromatic refracting telescope FCD-100 triplet ED

Pro APO AP 140/910 apochromatic refracting telescope FCD-100 triplet ED


Thinking about buying an apochromat? A smaller, more transportable device or a more powerful beast with an 140mm aperture? Then let the Omegon apochromats with Hoya glass convince you with their excellent image quality.

Video (with English subtitles): the Vaonis Vespera telescope – smart photos of nebulae and galaxies

March 20 2023, Marcus Schenk

Do you want to take pictures of objects from outer space, but with absolutely no effort?

Welcome to the world of a new generation of telescopes. In this video we introduce you to the Vaonis Vespera. With this device, you can take beautiful photos of the universe – really easily with your smartphone, an app and without much technical knowledge. We explain what smart telescopes are, the Vespera’s advantages and how you would use it in practice to observe the night sky.

Besides the telescope, the Singularity app is the central control unit and offers a simple and intuitive way to operate the telescope and take photos. In the video, you can follow a step-by-step demonstration of how to activate the telescope and take photos of an object of your choice.

Watch the video and get a first impression!

Products used in the video:

Omegon APO 94mm

Vaonis Vespera

Vespera backpack