Four new telescopes which turn astronomy into something exceptional. Available in four different apertures of 85mm, 96mm, 106mm and 140mm and fitted with Hoya special glass, the images produced by the new Omegon triplet apochromats are amongst the best in class.

Our new Omegon apochromats offer many advantages. Here is an overview of the top four:
Special glass built into the lens Thanks to large technological advances, Hoya has successfully optimised the production of the FCD100. This optical glass has extremely low dispersion, equivalent to that of the well-known FPL-53 glass. As a result, you get high-contrast images with excellent colour purity, even at high magnifications.

Adjustable mount: Thanks to high mount stability, alignment stays set, even with regular transportation. But you can also be prepared for all eventualities as professional readjustment is not a problem for this mount. Our workshop service provides professional support at all times. Get the best out of your telescope even years down the line.
Large, sturdy drawtube with transmission gearing: The Crayford hybrid technology and rack ensure heavy accessories are securely held whilst settings can be very smoothly and precisely set using the ball-bearing mounted inner tube.
Mounting rails for accessories: One thing is clear, the new apochromats are creations for astrophotographers or fans of fantastic planetary observations. But astronomers who are on a photographic journey, often require more accessories, such as a guiding scope or a guiding camera. Simply and quickly attach your preferred equipment using the pre-installed Vixen-style mounting rails.

The Omegon apochromats are available in four versions:
Pro APO AP 85/510 apochromatic refracting telescope FCD-100 triplet ED
Pro APO AP 96/575 apochromatic refracting telescope FCD-100 triplet ED
Pro APO AP 106/700 apochromatic refracting telescope FCD-100 triplet ED
Pro APO AP 140/910 apochromatic refracting telescope FCD-100 triplet ED
Thinking about buying an apochromat? A smaller, more transportable device or a more powerful beast with an 140mm aperture? Then let the Omegon apochromats with Hoya glass convince you with their excellent image quality.