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Products 73 - 108 of 111
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Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 76/418 Triplet ED OTA
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 76/418 Triplet ED OTA
$ 999.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Maksutov Teleskop MightyMak 60 mit LED-Sucher
Maksutov Teleskop MightyMak 60 mit LED-Sucher
$ 159.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 76/342 Triplet ED OTA
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 76/342 Triplet ED OTA
RRP:  $ 1,398.00
Our price:
$ 1,290.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor Pro APO AP 61/360 Triplet ED OTA + Pro Reducer 0,75x
Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor Pro APO AP 61/360 Triplet ED OTA + Pro Reducer 0,75x
RRP:  $ 1,064.00
Our price:
$ 999.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor Pro APO AP 72/400 Quintuplet OTA
Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor Pro APO AP 72/400 Quintuplet OTA
$ 1,290.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 80/500 ED Carbon OTA + Field Flattener
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 80/500 ED Carbon OTA + Field Flattener
RRP:  $ 1,449.00
Our price:
$ 1,390.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 96/575 Triplet ED FCD-100
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 96/575 Triplet ED FCD-100
$ 1,490.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor Pro APO AP 61/360 Triplet ED OTA
Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor Pro APO AP 61/360 Triplet ED OTA
$ 779.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor AP 96/575 Pro APO Triplet ED FCD-100 + Meade LX85 GoTo
Apochromatic refractor AP 96/575 Pro APO Triplet ED FCD-100 + Meade LX85 GoTo
RRP:  $ 2,999.00
Our price:
$ 2,839.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 140/910 Triplet ED FCD-100
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 140/910 Triplet ED FCD-100
$ 4,490.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Telescope Pro Astrograph 254/1016 OTA
Telescope Pro Astrograph 254/1016 OTA
RRP:  $ 1,037.80
Our price:
$ 819.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 85/560 ED Triplet OTA
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 85/560 ED Triplet OTA
$ 1,890.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 121/678 Quintuplet OTA
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 121/678 Quintuplet OTA
$ 4,990.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 104/650 ED Triplet OTA
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 104/650 ED Triplet OTA
$ 3,190.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Telescope Pro Astrograph 304/1200 EQ-8
Telescope Pro Astrograph 304/1200 EQ-8
RRP:  $ 6,905.90
Our price:
$ 6,690.00
ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks
Omegon Ritchey-Chretien Pro RC 304/2432 Lightweight Truss OTA
Ritchey-Chretien Pro RC 304/2432 Lightweight Truss OTA
$ 5,990.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 152/1200 ED Triplet OTA
Apochromatic refractor Pro APO AP 152/1200 ED Triplet OTA
$ 4,999.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Maksutov Teleskop MightyMak 80
Maksutov Teleskop MightyMak 80
$ 189.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Maksutov Teleskop MightyMak 90
Maksutov Teleskop MightyMak 90
$ 249.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Omegon Telescope Pro Ritchey-Chretien RC Truss Tube 406/3250 GM 3000
Telescope Pro Ritchey-Chretien RC Truss Tube 406/3250 GM 3000
RRP:  $ 28,913.00
Our price:
$ 28,490.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.11.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope ProDob N 406/1850 DOB II TRUSS
Dobson telescope ProDob N 406/1850 DOB II TRUSS
RRP:  $ 2,738.00
Our price:
$ 2,175.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.06.2025
Omegon Telescope Pro Astrograph 254/1016 GEM45G LiteRoc
Telescope Pro Astrograph 254/1016 GEM45G LiteRoc
RRP:  $ 4,746.80
Our price:
$ 4,690.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.05.2025
Omegon Telescope Pro Astrograph N 154/600 CEM26 LiteRoc
Telescope Pro Astrograph N 154/600 CEM26 LiteRoc
RRP:  $ 2,755.90
Our price:
$ 2,690.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope ProDob N 304/1500 DOB II with radiant
Dobson telescope ProDob N 304/1500 DOB II with radiant
( 4.33 / 5 )
RRP:  $ 1,207.90
Our price:
$ 1,019.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.06.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope ProDob N 254/1250 DOB II with radiant
Dobson telescope ProDob N 254/1250 DOB II with radiant
RRP:  $ 1,047.10
Our price:
$ 869.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope ProDob N 254/1250 DOB II
Dobson telescope ProDob N 254/1250 DOB II
RRP:  $ 1,087.00
Our price:
$ 899.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope ProDob N 304/1500 DOB II with Deluxe LED finderscope
Dobson telescope ProDob N 304/1500 DOB II with Deluxe LED finderscope
RRP:  $ 1,247.00
Our price:
$ 1,045.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.06.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope ProDob N 203/1200 DOB II with radiant
Dobson telescope ProDob N 203/1200 DOB II with radiant
RRP:  $ 877.80
Our price:
$ 739.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope ProDob N 203/1200 DOB II mit Deluxe LED-Sucher
Dobson telescope ProDob N 203/1200 DOB II mit Deluxe LED-Sucher
RRP:  $ 916.90
Our price:
$ 753.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Telescope Pro Astrograph 203/800 EQ6-R Pro
Telescope Pro Astrograph 203/800 EQ6-R Pro
RRP:  $ 2,826.90
Our price:
$ 2,690.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Telescope Pro Astrograph 154/600 HEQ-5
Telescope Pro Astrograph 154/600 HEQ-5
RRP:  $ 2,076.90
Our price:
$ 1,990.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope Advanced X N 304/1500
Dobson telescope Advanced X N 304/1500
RRP:  $ 999.00
Our price:
$ 899.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Dobson telescope Advanced X N 152/1200
Dobson telescope Advanced X N 152/1200
RRP:  $ 399.00
Our price:
$ 299.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Telescope Teleskop Aspherical Cassegrain 260/1300 OTA
Telescope Teleskop Aspherical Cassegrain 260/1300 OTA
RRP:  $ 5,190.00
Our price:
$ 4,900.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.11.2025
Omegon Telescope ProNewton N 254/1250 OTA
Telescope ProNewton N 254/1250 OTA
$ 659.00
Product can be shipped as of 15.07.2025
Omegon Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor Pro APO AP 40/180 OTA
Apochromatic refractor Apochromatischer Refraktor Pro APO AP 40/180 OTA
$ 499.00
Product can be shipped as of 01.11.2025